What makes LocateSmarter different from other data companies?
Our products are built with industry knowledge, both with the experience of our team and input from our clients. We care about making products that solve real problems.
Do I have to change the format of my files to use LocateSmarter?
No. We have a unique mapping tool that allows us to quickly and effectively map to your existing layouts. We can also provide standard layouts for you to map to, whatever is easiest for your business.
Who can use LocateSmarter?
LocateSmarter is applicable to any industry that handles its own accounts receivables process, including debt collection agencies, financial services, healthcare, utilities, law firms and more. Most of our products do require your business to have permissible purpose under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).
What information do I need to get started?
To register, you will need your company’s FEIN, IP Address and other basic company information. After filling out our registration form online, a member of our Operations team will work through a credentialing process prior to approval.
With LocateSmarter Phone Append, how many phone numbers will I receive back?
LocateSmarter is focused on providing you the best phone number available for your accounts.
How do I contact LocateSmarter if I have a question?
For account and technical support, you may call 866-912-1314 or email customerservice@mws-wpa01.azurewebsites.net. For questions about our products, testing or becoming a LocateSmarter customer, please call 888-254-5501 or email info@mws-wpa01.azurewebsites.net. You may also fill out the form located here. Representatives are available Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm CST.