LocateSmarter’s CORE Values






Quality Data for Your Skip Tracing Needs

Quality Data to Support Your Business Needs

Every year, data providers make billions of dollars selling consumer data. Their business models revolve around providing you with large quantities of data – much of which is outdated or inaccurate. This places additional costs and regulatory risk in YOUR hands. So, we’re here to shake things up.

At LocateSmarter, we’re focused on providing data with a focus on quality – not quantity. Our goal is not to return a high hit rate; our goal is to provide you with high quality data. This not only saves you money on the data itself, but also the costs associated with labor. See how we’re different and schedule a test today! Or stop by our testimonials webpage to see what our clients are saying.

LocateSmarter Products

Batch Data:

Our batch products provide consumer location information, confidence scores and data to support your compliance processes.

Online Search Platform:

Our online search platform, LocateSmarter Online, provides multiple search functions for persons, businesses, assets, licenses and court records.

API Data:

We provide API access to current and historical regulated and non-regulated data including person, business, court records, assets and license information.

Data Licensing:

We can find the data you need in-house at terms that work for your business.

For information about our products, call 888-254-5501 | info@mws-wpa01.azurewebsites.net
For customer service, call 866-912-1314 | customerservice@mws-wpa01.azurewebsites.net